About Me

To The Readers:

Hi, my name is Amy Archer. I am currently a Senior at The University of South Alabama. My dream is obtain a Bachelor's Degree in Elementary Education with a minor in Spanish. This dream is not easy to achieve, but I've learned to set goals for myself to help my complete the steps to finishing my degree.

This past fall, I took an Educational media class under the supervision of Dr. John Strange. While participating in this class, I truly realized the importance of technology in the classroom. In the future, I plan to have a personal class blog to keep my students, the parents, and the school's faculty involved in my classroom.

In order to keep practicing the incorporation of technology, I have created this personal blog to keep a record of my experience in Spain this summer. I will be studying in Cuenca, which is one hour and a half southeast of Madrid. Throughout my extended stay, I plan to post to this blog in Spanish. Each entry will be presented first in Spanish, and then I will translate it below into English. While abroad, I want to practice Spanish as much as possible, but I know that many of my viewers from back home will not know how to read in Spanish. This is why I will have an English translation as well.

In the future, I would love to work in a Title-1 school, and many of these schools have a lot of students who speak English as a second language. After I graduate, I plan to obtain a certification in ESL. I believe this blog will help me to develop the skills I will need in the future.

I hope that you will take the time to read through my entries and follow my journey through Spain over the next six weeks! Feel free to leave comments, and most importantly, edit my Spanish if you know how to read/write it! :) I am learning, and therefore, no where near being a perfect writer in Spanish.

Thank you for your time,
Amy Archer

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